Why a yoga club?

In trying to name what we do on Friday mornings, the idea of a “yoga club” seems like the right fit. We are a small group of friends with a common purpose and interest, who meet almost every Friday morning and take part in a shared activity. That activity is yoga. The Sanskrit word sangha is a little closer to the meaning of what our yoga club does. Sangha is a community of people who practice yoga together and share a common interest in the spiritual path. So, we are a club, a yoga club, a yoga sangha.

The shared interest in our club is Ashtanga which is referring to the eight-limb practice of yoga as outlined in the Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali. When we meet together I teach focusing on practices within the Ashtanga system. Why? The ideals learned during yoga practice are meant to be applied in everyday life, bringing about a more stable mind and body. This gives you a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

So why this type of group setting? You’ve heard the saying, “It takes a village”. Well, in yoga the journey takes a village and needs three things to work - the teacher (giving you the teachings), the student (to learn the teachings) and the community (to support each other’s learning). This sweet little yoga club is our village!

Come and experience the energy of the group and meet yoga friends who will share and support your journey. Our yoga community welcomes everyone! Please join us.

upcoming friday classes

GUIDED PRANAYAMA @ 7:30 - 8:15AM - Feb 7, 28 and Mar 7, 21

Pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) can help to calm the mind, balance the nervous system, enhance the immune system, increase energy levels, decrease stress levels and deepen inner awareness. During these classes you will learn the mechanics of deep breathing and practice a diverse range of Kriyas and Pranayama techniques. These practices not only enhance the physical aspects of the practice but also introduce practitioners to the essential trio of bandhas: Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara. The classes will follow the major kumbhakas (breath retentions) outlined in the Hatha Pradīpikā of Yogi Svatmarama as taught to me by my teachers.

This is an intermediate level pranayama class however beginners are welcome to try for the month. If you are a new student, I will be giving a lot of verbal instructions to help you acclimate to the practice throughout the month.

MYSORE ASHTANGA YOGA @ 8:30 - 9:45AM - Feb 7, 28 and Mar 7, 21

Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic yoga practice based on vinyāsa which synchronizes breath with movement and visual focal points.  With growing proficiency, the effect of this practice is simultaneously calming yet energizing. It leads to a more sophisticated sensory understanding, self-awareness, physical strength, and mental focus. Mysore is a unique Ashtanga yoga class where students receive one-on-one instruction in a group setting. Students begin by learning the Primary Series one posture at a time and progress at their own pace. The teacher explains the practice with hands-on adjustments, verbal instructions and visual demonstration. Yoga Sangraha, meditation, pranayama or any practice that you have learned from Shelley are also acceptable to practice during this class timeframe.

Location & details

Class location:

  • 505 E 24th Ave, Spokane, WA —Therapeutic Connections School of Massage

Friday Yoga Club month includes: contact Shelley directly if you wish to join for a full month.

  • All scheduled classes for the month.

  • Pranayama video replay emailed to you each week.

  • Option to attend the live classes via zoom if you are unable to attend in person.

  • Out of town students - you may attend the month program via zoom if you already have an established Mysore practice. Zoom link for the program will be sent to you after purchase.

Single in-person class option: pay via the link below and show up to one of the above dates for both classes!

  • Drop-ins welcome. However, new to Mysore students - your practice will be learning Sun Salutation A. :)
